Your Information, Your Rights
Being transparent and providing accessible information to patients about how we will use your personal information is a key element of the Data Protection Act 2018 and the EU General Data Protection Regulations (GDPR).
The following notice reminds you of your rights in respect of the above legislation and how Angel Lane Surgery will use your information for lawful purposes in order to deliver your care and the effective management of the local NHS system.
This notice reflects how we use information for:
- The management of patient records;
- Communication concerning your clinical, social and supported care;
- Ensuring the quality of your care and the best clinical outcomes are achieved through clinical Audit and retrospective review;
- Participation in health and social care research; and
- The management and clinical planning of services to ensure that appropriate care is in place for our patients today and in the future.
Download the full document (PDF, 171KB)
My Care Record

Text from above image: My medical history was quickly accessed thanks to my care record. My care record enables health and care professionals to access information about you to improve your care. To find out more visit
My Care Record enables health and care professionals to access information about you to improve your care.
Angel Lane Surgery is part of My Care Record, an approach to improving care by joining up health and care information. Wherever possible, health and care professionals will be able to access your records from other services when it is needed for your care. For example, a hospital doctor, community nurse, or social worker involved in your care could view the information they need from your GP record.
More information, including answers to frequently asked questions and a list of the organisations that are taking part can be found on the My Care Record website